Should I Trim My Bearded Dragon's Nails
Is it worth trimming the bearded dragon's claws ? #1 Make sure your bearded dragon is calm. The bearded dragon's claws grew very quickly.

Keep arms/legs steady. Use standard nail clippers and trim off the sharp ends. Is it worth cutting the bearded dragon's claws?
Are bearded dragons emotional?
Is sand that dangerous for bearded dragons? Which paint is safe for reptiles? #5 Give them gifts.
This can be once a month or as little as twice a year, depending on how naturally your beard nails are worn down.
Then you can carefully cut off all the bearded man's claws. When we first got our little Bacard, we were very concerned about clipping his nails. Trim the bearded dragon's claws if necessary.
Keep arms/legs steady.
To prevent injury to yourself or others, you should trim your reptile's claws regularly. In addition, the frequency of cutting depends on how fast the nail grows. Reward the beard with gifts.
If there is only one of you around, you may find that wrapping the bearded dragon's body and other leg in a kitchen towel can help control the other leg and prevent scratching.
Use pet clippers to remove the tips of the nails. Dragon claws are fast. This includes things like wooden blocks and rocks.
When holding a bearded dragon, it's easy to hold it tight and place one of its paws between your fingers.
#1 Make sure your bearded dragon is calm. Use standard nail clippers and trim off the sharp ends. Is it possible to cut a lizard's claws?
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