Showing posts from May, 2022

Where Are Bearded Dragons From

Where did the bearded dragon come from ? With a diet of about 80% insects, bearded dragons do not need much vegetation…

Bearded Dragon Night Temp

Bearded Dragon Temperature at night . This temperature is easy if you don’t keep the dragon tank in the dungeon. The b…

Flax Seed Dig Box Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragon box . We prefer reptiles because they are easy to keep clean and provide the basis for digging a beard.…

Bearded Dragon Eat Lettuce

Bearded dragon eating salad . Among the popular lettuce, Rome provides the highest nutritional value for bearded drago…

Bio Active Bearded Dragon

Dragon with bioactive beard . Many guardians prefer to keep their dragon in different sands, sheets or tiles. Bioactiv…

Bearded Dragon Temp And Humidity

Bearded Dragon Temperature Ö‡ Humidity . At night, it is acceptable for a bearded dragon to have a relative humidity of…

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Wax Worms

Can small dragons eat wax worms ? Bearded dragons can eat wax worms, which they usually enjoy. However, wax worms are …

Funny Bearded Dragon Shirts

Funny bearded dragon t-shirt . Perfect gift for Christmas or birthdays. Dragon lizard with funny pogon beard. This co…

Do Bearded Dragons Have A Third Eye

Does the bearded dragon have a third eye ? Since the Apex Eye is used to detect light and shadow, it helps bearded dra…

Best Bearded Dragon Enclosure

The best dragon beard closure . For a 12 x 24 x 1/16 sheet of ABS plastic the average cost is $23. The perfect cage si…

Symptoms Of Impaction In Bearded Dragons

Signs of a stroke on a bearded dragon . If you have been bitten by a bearded dragon, there are some signs and symptoms…

Taming A Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon Domestication . How to control a bearded dragon or a young bearded dragon: How to attract a bearded dra…

Bearded Dragon Subscription Box

Bearded Dragon customer box . We can help you or solve your doubts, thank you very much. If you buy all the food for t…

Bearded Dragon Enclosure Ideas

The concept of the birdcage for the bearded dragons . I currently have two skins, a large one for sunbathing and a sma…

Everything You Need To Know About Bearded Dragons

Everything you need to know about bearded dragons . The origins of the popular "barbs" can be traced back to…

Bearded Dragon Care Sheet Australia

Bearded dragon care sheet, Australia . The bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps, is native to Australia. For my bearded tr…

Aloe Plant Bearded Dragon

Do you have a bearded plant ? Aloe plants have sharp edges, but they do not pose a problem for dragons. No, you have a…

How To Feed A Bearded Dragon Hornworms

How a Cow Eats a Bearded Dragon . Butterworms are also very nutritious and low in fat. If necessary, they can very wel…

Vivarium Temperature Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragon in the vivarium heat . Then slide the fuse mounted on the cylinder. Must be at least 65 ℉ (18). HAA Pe…

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Opening His Mouth

Why does a bearded dragon open its mouth ? This gap allows the bearded dragon to generate more body heat. Symbol of ag…

Bearded Dragon Turning Yellow

The bearded dragon turned yellow . As we have already mentioned, the use of bright colors, including yellow, can indic…

Fully Grown Bearded Dragon Full Size

Full size dragon chin . A healthy and growing bearded dragon is 18 to 24 inches in length. After a year, the growth ra…

Black Spot On Bearded Dragon Chin

A point on the chin of a bearded dragon . Inactivity is common in bearded dragons, which are kept without furniture or…

Does Bearded Dragons Eat Parsley

Eat the dragon beard parsley . Here are 100 grams of parsley - feel free to give them other vegetables. Can bearded d…

What Live Insects Can Bearded Dragons Eat

What living insects can bearded dragons eat ? As mentioned above, bearded dragons should only eat insects. You need to…