Why Wont My Bearded Dragon Open His Eyes

Why doesn't the bearded dragon open his eyes? They are trying to debunk a theory behind the bearded dragon's big eyes. The puffiness of the eyes helps to relax the skin around the eyelids and prepares the skin for shedding.

The bearded dragon will not open the left eye and the right eye.
Bearded dragon opens left eye and not right from www.justanswer.com

Excess moisture makes it easier for bacteria, fungi and viruses to multiply. Bearded dragons are generally calm and docile lizards. If your dragon is sick, you should see a doctor.

Put some water in your nose.

Mouth rot (infection) Bowel compaction. Remember to give the dragon ponds to drink. Low temperatures can affect the appetite and activity of reptiles.

corneal damage or trapped foreign body;

Like humans, bearded dragons lose their appetite when they get sick. If you use tap water, treat it with a water conditioner that removes chlorine, ammonia, heavy metals and other chemicals. This can be caused by a dirty tank that needs to be cleaned now, as well as very high humidity.

If it gets too hot, the same thing can happen.

I replaced the sand and put a reptile rug in the tub as a rug. Bearded dragons can get sick if they lie down too much, eat or drink too little, and don't open their eyes. Generally, it's common for bearded dragons to open their mouths to grow their beards (even if your lizard isn't ready to mutate).

Now both eyes are closed.

If your bearded dragon's eyes are watery, there may be foreign bodies in the eye. The bearded dragon woke up very inactive today, he didn't really want to eat and he didn't seem to want to open his eyes. If your dragon is sick, you should see a doctor.

The puffiness of the eyes helps to relax the skin around the eyelids and prepares the skin for shedding.

So why does the bearded dragon close its eye? Yes, the bearded dragon will lose his eyes. In this case, wash the bearded dragon's eye with drops and this will help.

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